Design Update No.1

Since the conclusion of Public Display No. 3 for the Preferred Transport Solution in May 2022, the project team have been progressing the design of the active travel, demand management and road components of the Preferred Transport Solution. The Preferred Option Corridor for the road component published in May 2022 as part of the Preferred Transport Solution has been refined to a 100m wide corridor has been developed within which the design for the road component of the project is currently being progressed. This refined 100m wide corridor lies predominantly within the 300m wide corridor that was published for the Preferred Transport Solution in May 2022. However, following detailed consideration of landowner engagement, stakeholder feedback, environmental surveys, and design development, the corridor diverges at a number of locations.​ In addition, proposed junction locations have been identified and are shown as shaded areas on the design update drawings.  The junction layouts are currently being developed within these areas. Potential active travel routes and demand management measures have also been identified and are also shown on the design update drawings linked below.

Property owners along the refined 100m wide corridor for the road component of the Preferred Transport Solution were notified by post and are invited to consult with the project team, either in person, or by online or telephone meetings. A copy of the design update No. 1 drawings are available below in pdf format to download

A copy of the design update No. 1 drawings are available below in pdf format to download.

Design Update No.1 January 2023 – Overview

Design Update No.1 January 2023 – 18 Sheet layout (A3 Drawings)

The interactive webmap can be viewed here.

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